Selecting displays for a search profile

When a patron conducts a search and receives a search results list, the patron can view detailed information for a particular library item in the list. The display of the search results and the detailed item information can be customized so that patrons with a particular search profile will see certain pieces of information in the search results list and for the selected item. For example, student patrons may be presented with very brief search result information and only certain item details, while faculty patrons can be presented with more extensive information in the search results and the selected item’s detail display.

For each target that is available to a search profile, the system administrator can determine the search results display, the detail display, the item availability information that will display in Searching, the information sorting that will be used in Searching, and the pickup library for holds placed on items from the search target. Each enabled search target in a search profile can use an individual search results display, an individual detail display, an individual availability library or library group, an individual preferred sort value, and an individual pickup library, if desired.

When users search multiple search targets, and the search results include hits from a Discovery search target that does not have a detail display, users will see the content for the Discovery search target’s search result display when they try to view detailed information for those hits.

The Discovery administrator database metadata is cached in the Discovery Server application. Any changes to the displays for search profiles will not be reflected to the patron in Searching until the metadata cache is refreshed. For more information, see Refreshing the search cache.

To select the displays for a search profile

  1. Log in to the Admin console.
  2. Choose Profiles from the navigation pane.
  3. Find the search profile that you want to edit, then from the Select menu choose the Display Selection.

    The Choose Search Target page displays.

  4. In the Search Target field, select the target for which you want to choose the displays. The Search Target field list contains all of the search targets that are selected for the profile. For more information about the search targets that are selected for a profile, see Selecting search targets for a search profile.

    Note:  If no search targets are selected for a search profile, then a message displays to inform you that no data can be displayed. You cannot choose displays for a search profile that does not have any selected search targets. For more information on selecting search targets for a profile, see Selecting search targets for a search profile.

  5. Click Next.

    The Display Selection page displays.

  6. Select the search results display that you want to use for search hits found in the search target. If applicable, select the detail display you want to use for the search target. For more information about the fields on the Display Selection page, see Fields: Display Selection.

    Note: When a search profile is created, the Search Result Display field is set automatically for search targets assigned to the profile. If a search target also has a detail display configured for it, the Detail Display field is also set automatically when the search profile is created.

  7. If the Availability Library, Preferred Sort, and Request Library fields are active for a search target, you can specify the library to which the item availability is shown, the information sorting you want to use for library item information, and the request pickup library for holds placed on items located in the search target. For more information, see Fields: Display Selection.

    Note: In order for child fields to be sorted by library, you need to have selected Library as the sort field for the detail display. For more information, see Fields: Choose Detail Display Options.

  8. Choose OK to save your changes, or choose Cancel to discard your changes and return to Profiles.

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